The purpose of The Blair County Sanitary Administration Committee is to inform and educate property owners and future property owners in our member municipalities on the procedures of obtaining a permit for the installation of an on-lot sewage disposal system.

Contact Information

Phone: (814) 696-1229
Fax: (814) 693-8660

Building Location

225 Bedford Street
Hollidaysburg, Pa 16633

Business Hours

8AM to 4PM

Our History

The Blair County Sanitary Administration Committee is a multi-municipal local agency created in 1967. Luke Helsel was hired in 2009 as the agencies Sewage Enforcement Officer. The Blair County Sanitary Administrative Committee consists of thirteen Blair County Townships and each Township appoints a representative to serve on the committee. The committee is made up of appointees from the following communities Allegheny Township, Antis Township, Blair Township, Catharine Township, Frankstown Township, Huston Township, Juniata Township, Logan Township, North Woodbury Township, Snyder Township, Taylor Township, Tyrone Township and Woodbury Township. The function of the Blair County Sanitary Administrative Committee is for said communities to work collectively to achieve our individual and group needs in jointly administering the requirements of the Pennsylvania Sewage Facility Act.

We welcome new members to join the Corporation. There are many benefits to belonging to a MULTI-MUNICIPAL LOCAL AGENCY. The office is open to the public, Monday-Friday. The staff completes all tasks pertaining to the municipalities PA SEWAGE FACILITIES ACT 537 needs. We maintain organized records at a central location for the convenience of the municipalities and the public.

The tasks performed by the corporation are listed below but are not limited to:

  • PERMITTING ON-LOT SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS- filing of applications, scheduling appointments, complete soils evaluations and percolation, informing the applicant by letter of the results, review designs, issue permits & complete final cover.
  • ACT 537 PLANNING-complete soils evaluations and percolation testing, informing the applicant by letter of the results, review all planning modules for completeness prior to sending the municipality for their approval.
  • INVESTIGATIONS OF ACT 537 VIOLATIONS-we require a signed complaint form from the complainant prior to site investigation. We inform the property by a notice of violation letter and arrange an office appointment to discuss the violation and how to abate the issue. We conduct a site evaluation, to confirm a violation has/is occurring, do follow-ups to insure the violation is corrected and repaired.
  • ENFORCEMENT OF MUNICIPAL ON-LOT SEWAGE DISPOSAL   MANAGEMENT DISTRICT ORDINANCES-we currently have two municipalities with pumping schedules in place. We have assisted member municipalities with updating their ACT 537 OFFICIAL PLAN to include a management district ordinance with the submission.

Current Member Municipalities from Blair County

Allegheny Township
Antis Township
Blair Township
Catharine Township
Frankstown Township
Huston Township
Juniata Township
Logan Township
North Woodbury Township
Snyder Township
Taylor Township
Tyrone Township
Woodbury Township

Our Meetings

The Blair County Sanitary Administrative Committee does NOT hold regular meeting but are scheduled on a NEEDED BASIS. Meetings are typically held at the Office of the Blair County Sanitary Administrative Committee, 225 Bedford Street, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648. All requests to be included on the Blair County Sanitation Committee’s agenda must be received by 12 noon on the Thursday prior to the scheduled meeting.

Useful Documents

Useful Links

  • The USDA web soil survey website is used to identify site suitability areas prior to visiting the property for soils tests.
    The USDA Web Soil Survey Website
  • The Department of Environmental Protections website has forms for completing planning and you can also find the rules and regulations PA Code 25, Chapters 71, 72 & 73. Search under Act 537.
    The Department of Environmental Protections
  • The Bureau of Clean Water oversees the statewide Clean Water Program Establishment of water quality standards. This link contains the Municipal Sewage Management Planning (Act 537)
    Bureau of Clean Water