Antis Township residents value preservation and believe it improves their quality of life. With tax dollars and individual actions, they support preservation of land, water, energy, and even history.
Throughout America, the safe disposals of sewage and liquid wastes from home and industry has become a major issue. Malfunctioning and/or poorly planned on-lot septic systems are a potential threat to a community’s ground water resources. In Pennsylvania’s developed areas, the most common means of addressing these issues are sanitary sewer systems that collect liquid wastes from homes and businesses, treat the waste material, and dispose of them via methods approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PaDEP).
The Northern Blair Sewer Authority provides public sewer service in Antis Township, and municipal sewer service in Bellwood Borough is provided by the Bellwood Borough Sewer Authority to those areas of the Township immediately adjacent to the Borough.
Blair County Sanitary Administrative Committee
The Blair County Sanitary Administrative Committee serves as the on-lot sewage enforcement and inspection agency for most of the municipalities in Blair County including Antis Township. Their office is located at 225 Bedford Street, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 and they can be reached by phone at 696-1229.